Two's (24 - 36 Months)
This is the age of time and wonder, when each child starts to explore their world for new-found adventure. We want to encourage their curiosity through stimulating activities such as nature walks and visiting the library located in our center.
Circle Time
Offers children time to be with friends and sing different children's songs, as well as dance/move to music and participate in a variety of finger plays.
Story Time
A time for rest and relaxation while cuddling with a teacher and listening to a variety of stories about adventures, shapes, colors, numbers, or social skills.
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
We have activities to help develop both small and large muscles in our center. Teachers encourage their children to run, jump and skip outside. Also, they encourage dancing and exercising inside the classroom to work as well on their large muscles. Children are also encouraged to pick up and use a variety of instruments such as a paintbrush, marker, or chubby crayon to develop their fine motor skills.
Teacher - Initiated Activities
These activities occur in a small group setting with a theme focused activity such as an art project, block building activity, a game, or music/finger play that tie together with the class theme. We also initiate more exercises with shapes and colors, numbers and letters.
Lunch & Naptime
A time to enjoy a nice, warm and nutritious meal with our friends and teachers. We can share questions and discuss what we did during the day while we eat. Nap time is for us to relax our minds and bodies, and re-group for our afternoon activities.
Self-Help Skills
We continue to encourage self-help skills with this age group to foster their independence. We encourage hand/face washing, putting their toys away after playing, attempting to blow their nose and using the bathroom.
Child - Directed Activities
Occurs throughout the day in children's play with each other. Such as building with blocks, independent art work, or a sand/sensory activity.
Outdoor Play
Occurs at least twice a day to burn off extra energy as well as work on developing our gross motor skills.
Potty Training
When your child expresses an interest in using the bathroom, our teachers will work with the child and parent to help the child reach this milestone in their life.