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Toddlers (16 - 24 Months)

It is at this age curiosity and exploration for children never stop.  We offer the following activities to expand your child's need to learn, explore and grow in a safe and nurturing environment.
Circle Time

This is the time for your child to pick their favorite songs, movement activities and finger plays that they would like to start off their day with.

Story Time

Story time is a time for your child to relax and listen to a story with their caregiver as they focus on both language and literacy development.

Gross Motor Skills

We participate inside and outside activities to focus on large muscle growth, such as dancing, running, jumping and skipping.

Teacher - Initiated Activities

These activities occur in a small group setting involving your child in fun activities such as game, music or an art focused activity.

Lunch & Naptime

This is a time to enjoy adult-child conversation while having a nutritious meal followed by a time to rest our bodies.

Fine Motor Skills

We have time set aside everyday for each child to practice grasping and holding small objects such as a chubby crayon and color, and doing large puzzles.

Child - Directed Activities

These activities offer your child an opportunity to explore in different centers such as blocks or a sensory activity (sand or water).

Outdoor Play

Occurs at least twice a day to burn off extra energy that children have.

Self-Help Skills

We nurture children's independence and encourage this in our center by allowing each child to practice washing their hands/face, as well as using utensils to feed themselves.

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